In July 2017, the IAS HIV Co-Infections and Co-Morbidities initiative hosted the 4th International HIV/Viral Hepatitis Co-Infection Meeting as a pre conference prior to IAS 2017. The meeting was themed “The Rocky Road to Viral Hepatitis Elimination: Assuring access to antiviral therapy for ALL co-infected patients from low- to high-income settings”. It brought together clinicians, researchers and advocates (including several from the community) seeking to address the challenges of achieving elimination of hepatitis B and C in people living with HIV worldwide. Building on the content from the meeting, the initiative published a JIAS supplement entitled “Towards global viral hepatitis elimination for all patients in all income settings”.
The 5th International HIV/Viral Hepatitis Co Infection Meeting will take place as a pre-conference prior to IAS 2019 in Mexico City, Mexico. Similarly to earlier editions, the meeting will provide a unique opportunity to bring together a diversity of scientific, technical and community interests to discuss current opportunities and challenges for increased prevention, diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis in people living with HIV (and other populations). The meeting will cover implementation challenges to achieving elimination of hepatitis B and C worldwide. This will include a focus on access to care for people living with HIV and other key and marginalized populations with overlapping risks for both HIV and viral hepatitis, such as people who inject drugs, prisoners, indigenous people, migrants and men who have sex with men. A session on HBV cure will take place in collaboration with the IAS HIV & HBV Cure Forum convened by the Towards an HIV Cure initiative. The programme will display a mixture of formats, including invited keynotes, debates and roundtables, as well as an abstract driven poster exhibition, which will help drive interest not only from people working in HIV, but also from people working primarily in the viral hepatitis field. In addition, a strong community participation will allow grounding the topics in real-life contexts and lived experiences.
The 5th International HIV/Viral Hepatitis Co-Infection Meeting will take place at:
Unidad De Congresos Centro Medico Nacional Siglo XXI IMSS
Avenida Cuauhtémoc 330, Doctores, 06720 Ciudad de México, CDMX
Please note that this is not the same venue as the IAS 2019 Conference, and so please take this into account when planning your travel to the meeting.
Please click on the button below to register – here you will need to log in to an existing IAS profile or create a new account. You will then be able to register for the meeting by clicking “Pre-meeting registration”.
Abstracts submitted to IAS 2019 had the opportunity to be considered also for the 5th International HIV/Viral Hepatitis Co-Infection Meeting. Abstract submission is now closed.
Giten Khwairakpam, TREAT Asia, Bangkok, Thailand
Natalia Laufer, INBIRS Institute UBA-CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Luis Soto Ramirez*, Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutricion Salvador Zubiran, Mexico City, Mexico
Rakesh Aggarwal, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India
Monique Andersson, Stellenbosch University Cape Town, South Africa
Marc Bulterys, WHO Geneva, Switzerland
Hugo Cheinquer, Hospital de Clinicas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Jordan Feld, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Sergey Golovin, International Treatment Preparedness Coalition Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Jason Grebely, Kirby Institute; International Network on Hepatitis in Substance Users, Sydney, Australia
Saeed Sadiq Hamid, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan
Margaret Hellard, Burnet Institute, Melbourne, Australia
Marina Klein*, McGill University; CIHR Canadian HIV Trials Network, Montreal, Canada
Karine Lacombe, Hôpital Saint-Antoine, Paris, France
Liudmyla Maistat, Medicines Patent Pool, Geneva, Switzerland
Dasha Matyushina-Ocheret, Eurasian Harm Reduction Association, Vilnius, Lithuania
Sébastien Morin, International AIDS Society, Geneva, Switzerland
Raquel Peck, World Hepatitis Alliance, London, UK
Chase Perfect, Coalition Plus, Paris, France
Jorge Quarleri, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jürgen Rockstroh*, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Andrew Scheibe, TB HIV Care, Cape Town, South Africa
Marcelo Oscar Silva, Hepatology and Liver Transplant Unit, Austral University Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tracy Swan, Independent, New York, USA
Ernst Wisse, Médecins du Monde, Paris, France
* IAS Governing Council member